Tips on How to Get Custody in Orange County, CA.

14 Reasons Why You Should Find a Local Family Attorney in Orange County
How to Find the Best Child Custody Attorneys in Orange County, CA.

Good Tips on How to Get Custody in Orange County

Most likely you are reading this page because you wish to learn on how to get custody in Orange County or Los Angeles. But first let me start off by saying....

It's easy to feel lost, confused, or alone if you're facing a custody battle.

Legal cases are intimidating – especially when your family is on the line.

You want the best for your kids.

A qualified attorney can help you understand your case and defend your rights.

Before you reach out to a lawyer for help, consider these tips on how to get custody in Orange County, CA then find an attorney to fit your needs.

Local custody lawyers in Orange County, CA explain types of custody

Custody has come a long way over the past few decades.

The courts typically favor shared custody agreements because it's in the child's best interests to spend equal amounts of quality time with each parent.

Under certain circumstances one parent may be granted full custody, but this usually only happens when one parent isn't able to care for the child or could pose a risk to the child's wellbeing.

  • Physical custody: This refers to where the child lives.
  • Legal custody: A parent with legal custody is responsible for making important decisions on behalf of the child concerning school, healthcare, and religion.
  • Sole custody: One parent has full custody of the child.
  • Joint custody: Parents share custody of the child based on an agreement.

A custody agreement could include any combination of custody listed above.

For instance, one parent may have sole legal and physical custody if the other parent is unfit to raise the child. On the other hand, parents may cooperate by sharing both physical and legal custody.

Each situation is unique.

Tips on how to get custody in Orange County, CA

To meet your custody goals you'll want to demonstrate that you're a great parent.

You already know this, but now you need to show the courts.

Follow these tips to meet your goals and avoid any complications.

1.    Cooperate with your spouse.

The courts are more likely to grant an outcome in your favor if you express a willingness to work with your spouse.

It's always in the child's best interests to spend quality time with both parents, so the courts appreciate when parents are willing to negotiate in a civil manner.

2.    Do what the courts ask.

If the courts don't believe you're in the perfect position to raise a child, they may request certain things from you.

This could include seeking employment, finding a stable place to live, taking parenting classes, or going to counseling. Do what they ask without asking questions or arguing.

3.    Request an in-home visit.

Demonstrate that your home is a safe environment to raise a child by requesting an in-home visit from a court representative or child care worker.

Make sure your home is clean and your child has their own room.

4.    Spend ample time with your kids.

Don't reschedule – just show up. Spend as much time with your kids as possible. The courts take this into consideration when determining custody as well as child support.

Go to school events and make frequent phone calls when the child isn't staying with you.

5.    Don't bad mouth your spouse.

Not in the court room, not in front of your kids, not ever. It's important children have a good relationship with both parents and under certain circumstances this behavior could qualify as abuse.

Instead, demonstrate what a great parent you are: let your behavior speak for itself.

6.    Document everything.

Take photos when you spend time with your child. Save receipts for items you purchase. If you drive them to school or activities, write it down.

Bring everything to court with you so you have proper documentation to back up your claims.

7.    Stay realistic.

The courts take into consideration where the child has already established a life and attends school. This means you probably won't be granted custody if you plan on moving far away or already live out of state.

Keep your goals realistic. Don't expect everything to work out exactly how you want. Stay flexible and the courts will appreciate your effort.

8.    Don't get emotional.

It's hard not to get emotional when your kids are on the line, but it's very important to stay focused in court.

Let the evidence speak for itself. Don't lash out at your spouse, yell, or argue with anyone in the court room – they won't forget it if you do.

9.    Find a qualified attorney.

Even if you don't expect a heated custody battle, it's still important to meet with a professional attorney to discuss your case. An attorney can help guide you inside the court room and offer experienced advice.

They may also help you file paperwork and documents on time which can help avoid delays.

Factors that can affect your custody rights

The courts take many things into consideration when determining custody.

Each relationship is unique so each custody case requires a case-by-case evaluation.

The courts will likely look at:

  • How much time you spend with your child.
  • Your general relationship with your child.
  • Your home environment.
  • Where the child attends school or has established a life.
  • The child's wishes (depending on their age).

Even if you're an otherwise loving parent, certain factors can affect your custody goals and limit your custody rights.

  • You work a job that includes traveling, long nights, weekends, or otherwise prohibits you from properly caring for the child.
  • You have a history of substance abuse.
  • Domestic violence charges or accusations.
  • You refuse to comply with requests from the court or judge.

Local custody lawyers in Orange County, CA

Local custody lawyers in Santa Ana, Anaheim, Irvine, Tustin, Orange County, CA

Local custody lawyers in Santa Ana, Anaheim, Irvine, Tustin, Orange County, CA

If you're facing a custody battle, you need a dedicated attorney on your side to protect your rights.

Contact Yanez & Associates anytime at 714-971-8000. We're available 24/7 and we offer free consultations so there's absolutely no risk or obligation.

14 Reasons Why You Should Find a Local Family Attorney in Orange County
How to Find the Best Child Custody Attorneys in Orange County, CA.

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