Category Archives: California Family Law
The Search for a Free Divorce Consultation in Orange County California
If you are considering a divorce, or if you have already decided that a divorce is right for you, you will need to discuss your case with a skilled attorney.
Divorce cases can be emotionally draining, stressful, and all around difficult. In California, a divorce cannot be finalized for at least six months, so it is important that you take the time to choose an attorney with whom you are comfortable working with, and one who you feel truly understands you and who will take the time to fight for your best interests, and the interests of your children throughout the duration of your divorce.
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Divorce Attorneys in Orange County Guide
The Basics of Ending your Marriage or Registered Domestic Partnership in California
Divorce Attorneys in Orange County explain: Under California law, either spouse or either party in a domestic partnership can decide to end the marriage or domestic partnership at any time. California is a “no fault” divorce state, so proof of an error or mistake in the marriage is not necessary in order to obtain a divorce. If one spouse wants a divorce, he or she only needs to state that there are irreconcilable differences in the marriage as the reason for ending the legal relationship.
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Contempt of Court Orders Attorneys in Orange County Guide
Contempt of Court Orders in a California Court
Contempt of Court Orders Attorneys in Orange County explain: A court order is issued by a judge at the end of a legal proceeding, whether it is a hearing, a trial, an appeal, or a form of alternative dispute resolution. Court orders define a relationship between the involved parties, and list the legal rights and obligations of each party. In order to be legal and valid, it needs to be signed by a judge. Court orders can be issued for a variety of legal issues.
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Attorneys for Los Angeles County Premarital and Postnuptial Agreements
While many couples choose to create a premarital agreement during their engagement, it is also possible to create a marital agreement during marriage, called a postnuptial agreement.
Prior to marriage, creating a premarital agreement allows you to determine things like separate property and community property on your own, rather than allowing it to be determined according to California law. A premarital agreement can be beneficial to any couple with significant assets, significant debts, a previous marriage or previous children, or any couple who wants to have more control over their property. Premarital agreements can be changed or invalidated during the course of a marriage and usually require the assistance of a California family law attorney for each party.
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Things YOU should know when Filing for Divorce in Orange County CA
Filing for divorce in California can be a simple process or a complex process. Your best option is to do some research online or talk to friends who have been divorced, and see what your options are. Before making any decisions, discuss your situation with an attorney, who can help you determine the best way to approach your divorce.
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