Category Archives: Dissolution of marriage attorneys Orange CA
When searching for a mediator to assist you with resolving a divorce dispute it is important to conduct some research. Mediators are available in your community but it is important to conduct some background research first. You will want to find out the cost and the process before deciding on a mediator. Attorneys also offer…
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Deciding whether to file for divorce can be one of the most stressful decisions one experiences. It is important to weigh all of your options. In addition, you may want to talk this over with your partner to see where you both stand. Most importantly, if their are children involved you want to constantly keep…
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In mediation both parties are required to treat each other with dignity and respect. While the other party is speaking it is important to not interrupt and allow them to finish their thoughts. In addition, yelling or name calling is prohibited. If either of these rules are broken the parties may be asked to leave…
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If your marriage is not workin the way you would like it to then it may be time for change. Consider the following tips to resolve conflicts in your marriage. These are simply suggestions or approaches to consider before deciding to file for divorce. First, try allowing your partner some time to themselves. You both…
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You may be asking yourself is their something I should or could be doing differently in my marriage? If this is a questions you often ask yourself, or have recently asked yourself please consider the following. First, evaluate your behavior before putting the blame on your partner. Second, evaluate your role in the relationship problems.…
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Family law is an area of law focusing on family issues such as divorce, child support, spousal support and more. It is important to know what area of law these issues pertain to when going through a divorce. Divorces can be stressful and confusing the more knowledge one has on the topic can ease the…
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When contemplating divorce in California it is important to familiarize yourself with the laws surrounding divorce. Divorce laws will vary depending on the state of the filing. First, it is important to figure out what type of divorce matter you have. For instance, such as a contested divorce, uncontested divorce, or summary dissolution. The legal…
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If you are unsure of what jurisdiction you are able to file your divorce it is important to speak with a family law attorney. In California their are certain residency requirements that must be followed when filing for divorce in a particular county. For instance, in order to file for divorce in California the residency…
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Coping with divorce can be challenging it is important to understand and comprehend why your relationship resulted in divorce. In addition, it is pertinent to understand that divorce was necessary and that the relationship was not working out for various reasons. Here are a few helpful tips when going through this stressful and confusing period…
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During a divorce if any of the parties bring up an allegation regarding drug use it is at the courts discretion to request that the party be drug tested. Types of drug tests can involve using a blood test, urine sample, or sometimes they will use the parties hair follicle. It may be beneficial to…
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