Category Archives: Domestic Violence attorney orange county
Domestic violence can constitute various things such as: 1) Throwing any kind of object at you. 2) If any kind of physical force is used; such as punching, kicking, choking, scratching, and anything else physical that could injure them. 3) If there have been any threats or use of weapons to intimidate or harm you.…
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A restraining order attorney can help you with accusations of domestic violence. If the domestic violence accusations are factual, they have an effect on all parties involved, physically and mentally. Restraining orders in California are designed to protect individuals and families that are in peril. What is domestic violence and how can a restraining order…
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California Law classifies “domestic violence” as abuse that has been perpetrated against a spouse, cohabitant, former spouse, or former cohabitant. Domestic violence perpetrated by one's present or previous dating partner or fiancé is also domestic violence, as is violence committed against the parent of a child by the other parent. California also expands its identification…
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Obtaining a restraining order is no trivial issue. Courts are extremely careful when issuing restraining orders because they may severely limit the ability of a person to communicate or travel. Furthermore, courts also do not want to mistakenly issue restraining orders for misguided reasons. However, restraining orders are vital as a legal mechanism to protect…
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If you need help with a restraining order, either to request one or to resond to one, it is a good idea to get the aid of a lawyer, though it's not required. A lawyer can make the court process much easier because both parties will need to be an active participant in the court…
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Restraining orders will forbid a person from having any kind of contact with you, your family, children or anyone you live with. A restrained person will also not be allowed to go anywhere near your place of work, your home or other places and areas you frequent often. The restraining order will also forbid the…
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If you an elder/dependent adult or you know of one who is being abused, you can request a restraining order. To qualify, the elder or dependent adult must be 65 years or older or a dependent adult and you must have been: -Financially abused, -Physically abused, -Emotionally abused, -Psychologically abused, -Abducted/kidnapped, -Neglected, -Abandoned, -Isolated, -Not…
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There are 4 types of restraining orders. -Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO) If you would like to request a domestic violence restraining order, you will need to fill out the proper forms. On these forms you will have to prove that you need protection and if the judge feels that you need the protection, he/she will…
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Domestic Violence is defined as when a person or persons are being threatened and/or physically/emotionally abused when the abuser and abused are: -Married -Registered domestic partners -Divorced or separated -Are or were in the past in a relationship -Living together or used to live together, however you are/were more than just roommates -A close family…
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If there is domestic abuse a restraining order can be obtained from a judge the next business day after you go to court or sometimes even on the same day. If you have children, it is an especially good idea to go to a lawyer first. Although filing a restraining order is free, an attorney…
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