Category Archives: Family Law orange county
If both parties are in agreement that they will not take this matter to court a collaborative divorce may be an option. Parties will have various 4-way meetings with their lawyers to reach an agreement between one another. The lawyers representing the parties will not take the matter into court. If an agreement cannot be…
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Dissolution is a legal process and how it will affect the children of the marriage is largely based on how parents interact with each other on a daily basis. In short, each divorce is unique in the same way each family is unique. Parents should consider the ramifications of their actions outside of meetings with…
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Occasionally, parents aren't able to give proper care to their children, no matter how much they love them. The child might need to be cared for by a guardian if one or both of the parents: -have a serious physical or mental illness, -are in the military and have to work and stay over seas,…
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When setting up a legal guardianship, there is a lot of time and energy invested in filling out complicated court forms and giving notice to relatives. Often times there are errors that occur along the way. Because of these mistakes, the process take much longer than it needs to be to process your case. Talk…
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As a guardian, can the court request me to take on other responsibilities concerning the child? Yes in fact the court requires that you submit a Status Report one every year. You will also be required to participate in meetings with any court investigator or visitors, and you may also be summoned to court occasionally to discuss the progress…
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Am I financially responsible for a child's behavior? Yes, you are financially responsible for any child under your care in most cases. Just as a parent would be, a guardian will be held accountable for any damages or harm due to the child's actions, including any medical bills the victim may have. Can I move…
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What if the child wants a driver's license? You have the right to give the child permission to obtain a driver's license or not. If you choose to let the child obtain a diver's license, you are obligated to also get automobile insurance for the child as well as with any legal driver. If an accident occurs…
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There are many reasons a child may not be wanting to participate in school, be it because of behavior problems, emotional problems, language problems, medical problems, or learning disabilities. Here are some signs that your child needs special education: -He/She has trouble reading, writing, or doing math; -He/She has trouble concentrating, sitting still or following…
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If you would like to file for Divorce in California you must fulfill the requisite that one party must reside in California for a minimum of six months and that the County you are attempting to file in for a minimum of three months. In California the soonest you will be able to finalize your…
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There are 3 main ways to end a marriage or registered domestic partnership in California: divorce, legal separation, and annulment. It is not necessary for both spouses or domestic partners to agree to end the marriage. Either spouse or partner can decide to end the marriage, and the other spouse/partner, even if he or she…
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