Researching important elder law information is crucial to keeping seniors in our community safe. Elder law cases have been on the rise, therefore, is important that the elderly have a multitude of resources, and assistance easily available to them. If you feel that an elderly individually you know is being abused, please report the incident immediately. You may call adult protective services so they can investigate the matter in greater detail.
Elder abuse may be difficult to detect. The reason elder abuse is difficult to detect is due to a lack of reporting. Sometimes the elderly do not report the abuse they are enduring because they do not know where, or who to turn to. In addition, at times the elderly fear the repercussions associated with reporting those who are caring for them.
Moreover, the elderly are also vulnerable and may have trouble recalling information, making it very difficult to report the sequence of events. Furthermore, other outside individuals do not report the abuse because they are unsure of where to report the abuse. Additionally, individuals may have difficultly identifying the signs of elder abuse.
For additional information regarding important elder law information updates, please contact your local Elder Law Attorneys. Please call Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation. We look forward to assisting you with your Elder Law matter.