
What Happens When Death and Divorce Occur at The Same Time?
Should I Get a Restraining Order?

Mediation is when an unbiased and impartial person helps to defuse an argument and gets the two parties to reach an agreement out of court. Mediators do not make any orders or decisions on a case but they help people settle disputes on their own. Mediaton will also prepare you for trail which you may still need to handle the more difficult issues if you cannot reach an agreement in mediation. It is best to get the smaller issues out of the way and settled without having to waste time in court.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, you may have a support person with you during mediation or you may request to have separate meetings with the mediator. It is always important to feel safe and confortable during mediation as the whole point of these meetings are to come to an uncoerced agreement.

What Happens When Death and Divorce Occur at The Same Time?
Should I Get a Restraining Order?