Family Law Money Judgement

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Once a judgement has been made on your family law money, you must collect the payment yourself from your former spouse/domestic partner. You can do this as soon as the family law money judgement has been entered into the system, be sure of this by checking with the court records. Also, make sure there isn’t any postponement on the order due to any an appeal that is scheduled for the future, any  suspension due to a bankruptcy or any other legal actions.

To start collecting your family law money you must give your former spouse/domestic partner a valid address to which he/she will be mailing your payments. You can make a deal with your former spouse/domestic partner to be paid less than what was agreed to in the judgement order if they agree to pay the amount right away in one lump sum but you will then waive your right to the remainder of the money. You can also  work out a payment plan where you are paid the money in installments.

If they do not pay by the court ordered deadline, you will need to write them a letter that will include a copy of the court order reminding them of their obligation to pay you. State that if the payments are not made that serious legal issues will need to be taken. You should most likely talk to a lawyer for advice if dealing with this kinda of situation as it can be a complicated procedure to get your rightful money.

Helping Kids Cope With Divorce
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