What Are The Requirements For Filing A Petition For Dissolution in California?

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In order to file a Petition for dissolution in California, one of the parties must live in California for a minimum of 6 months.  In order to file in a particular county, one of the parties must reside in that county for a minimum of 3 months.  These requirements are important, since a court must have jurisdiction over the parties.  Why is that important?  Fairness!  It wouldn’t be fair for a party to be required to travel to Northern California if both parties and all witnesses and other evidence are in Orange County.  There is also a filing fee that must be paid at the time the Petition is filed, or you must file a form to request the court to waive the fees.

For further information on Divorce please contact the Divorce lawyers for California at 714-971-8000. Call today for your free 60-minute consultation.

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