Depreciation and Child Support

Parenting Class in Orange County; Which Parenting Class Should I Take?
Spousal Support Information

Did you know that the depreciation a party claims on a real estate investment is supposed to be added back to the gross income for child support calculation purposes? It is not considered a business expenditure by the Courts, and therefore cannot be used to reduce the amount of income available for support calculations.  Because support calculations are based on the total amount of income available to each party, depreciation of property would provide one party with more income because the deduction would not be accounted for. This can be useful information for a party whose ex spouse has substantial real estate investments.

For further information regarding child support please contact the Fullerton Child Support attorneys at 714-971-8000. Call today for your free 60-minute consultation!


Parenting Class in Orange County; Which Parenting Class Should I Take?
Spousal Support Information