In the often rough and tumblr world of family law, negotiating with the other side often seems to step blindly on the face of common sense. Surely, there are too many dead ends, blind turns, and tricks up the enemy’s sleeves to warrant any kind of trust. However, new studies are showing the benefits of a collaborative approach to divorce.
1. Common Interests – Working towards a common goal reduces negative emotions which children are especially sensitive to.
2. Reduce expenses- mediations are often much less expensive than protracted legal battles in court.
3. predictability- In a collaborative divorce, you have much more say in how the settlement will go.
4. Experienced attorneys – attorneys helping in a collaborative divorce or mediation often work with each other frequently and have a common commitment to the collaborative process.
5. Future relationships – A collaborative divorce will improve future relationships between parties which can be especially important for the children.
6. Privacy protected – In a collaboration, information is private during and after the negotiations. In court, documents are open for all, including children in the future, to see.
7. Negotiations more likely – In the friendly atmosphere of a mediation, negotiations are much more likely.
For further information regarding divorce please contact the Family Law Lawyer for Orange County at 714-971-8000. Call today for your free 60-minute consultation!