Strange Divorce Statistics

Why Marriage at Young Ages Fail
Immigrant victims of crime may qualify for U VISA

Can divorce be predicted based on things that seem entirely irrelevant? Below are some strange statistics researchers have discovered:

1)   If you didn’t smile for photographs early in life, your marriage is five times more likely to end in divorce than if you smiled often in early photographs.

Source: Hertenstein, Matthew et al. (2009)

2)   If you are a dancer, you are more likely to get divorced (43.05 %) than maids and housekeepers (26%), roofers (26%), and waiters/waitresses (27%). Source: McCoy, S. P. & Aamodt, M. G. (2008, October)

3)   If you have a daughter, you’re almost 5 percent more likely to divorce than if you have a son. Source: Gordon Dahl and Enrico Moretti

4)   People who maintain friendships with divorced people are 147% more likely to become divorced. Source: Breaking Up is Hard to Do, Unless Everyone Else is Doing it Too

5)   If you live in a red state, you’re 27 percent more likely to get divorced than if you live in a blue state. Source: National Vital Statistics Report, 2003

Divorce should always be a last option. One should always make attempts to save their marriage. Seeking help from a divorce attorney is recommended only after all other avenues have been explored. If you are in need of a divorce attorney in Orange County our Irvine family law & divorce  firm can assist you.  We are competent family law attorneys whom practice in all areas of family law. Located across the street from Tustin City Hall and Tustin Police Department. Our family law firm is well known and respected; therefore, you can rest assured your legal needs will be protected.

Why Marriage at Young Ages Fail
Immigrant victims of crime may qualify for U VISA