Strange divorce laws

Date of valuation of community property
Why Marriage at Young Ages Fail

Each state in the United States has varying laws and consequently varying divorce laws. Here are some strange divorce laws in different states:

1)   In New Mexico and Mississippi, there is a divorce law that allows the victim spouse of the marriage to sue the person the ex spouse has cheated with.

2)   In Kentucky, it is illegal to marry the same person four times.

3)   In Kansas, a man’s mistreatment of his mother-in-law cannot be the reason for divorce.

4)   In Delaware, if a couple enters into a union as a “dare” or joke, they can have their union annulled.

5)   In England, there isn’t a no-fault divorce so almost half of all divorcing couples use “unreasonable behavior” as their reason for filing for divorce. Some of the ridiculous “unreasonable behavior” include a husband filing for divorce because his wife made him tuna for every dinner, and a wife filing for divorce because her husband would make her dress up as a character from “Star Trek.”

Divorce of Former NFL Legend, Troy Aikman

Troy Aikman, a former NFL player, has recently filed for divorce and the price he had to pay, the settlement, has been announced. Troy Aikman and his wife of ten years, Rhonda Aikman have agreed to a marital property agreement of Troy paying approximately $1.75 million to his ex-wife. Troy, the Dallas Cowboys legend, is worth 25 million dollars.

Divorce should always be a last resort. Couples should always make efforts to save their marriage if possible. After you have exhausted all avenues, we are here to help you in  your divorce.  Our divorce firm is located in Orange County. A family law & divorce  firm you can trust.  We are experienced family law attorneys whom practice in all areas of family law. We are located across the street from Tustin City Hall and Tustin Police Department. Our family law firm is well known and respected.

Date of valuation of community property
Why Marriage at Young Ages Fail