Child Custody 730 Evaluations / Solution Focused Mini Evaluations

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Child custody 730 evaluation for highly contested child custody cases where the parties make serious allegations involving issues of domestic violence, sexual abuse, substance abuse, move away or mental instability, the court may need the assistance of a qualified professional which is court appointed to serve as the court’s expert.  This expert is appointed to conduct what is called a California Evidence Code 730 Custody Evaluation and report to the court as to what is in the best interest of the children.

Child Custody 730 Evaluation information -Tustin Family Law Attorneys Assisting You and Your Minor Children

The court will provide the evaluator very specific orders that delineate the specific issues the court wants addressed.  The Judge may order this or the parties can enter into a stipulated agreement.  The parties will then be ordered to make an appointment and cooperate with the evaluation process by making the children available.  These evaluations can take 30 to 90 days to complete and the cost can vary.  The parties will have completed an income and expense declaration which will be used by the court to determine how to allocate the cost of the 730 custody evaluation between the parties.

A mini evaluation or solution focused is a brief evaluation which is limited to a specific issue  or issues.  This mini evaluation does not involve testing or a home visit and the expert may appear telephonically and provide an oral report to the court and can be completed in a relatively short period of time of about four (4) weeks.

If you need competent legal representation, please contact us so that we may evaluate your child custody matters. We are skilled family law attorneys that get results. With the Orange County custody attorneys located in Tustin, CA you can rest assured your family legal needs will be protected.

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