Women paying Child and Spousal Support

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Divorce and social media nightmare

Women are moving on up in to day’s work force and hence when the love is gone, more women are finding themselves having to pay child support and spousal support to their male counterparts. It appears that more women are the primary bread winners and therefore Family Law attorneys are seeing an increase in the instance where a wife is ordered to pay child support and or spousal support to an ex husband. The ladies are not very happy to have to pay an ex spouse.

The California Family Code is gender neutral. The factors that come in to play in determining spousal support are found in Section 4320 and include a review of the following:

1. The extent to which the earning capacity of each party is sufficient to maintain the standard of living of the marriage, taking into consideration:

2. The marketable skills of the supported party,

3. The extent to which the supported party contributed to the education, training, career or license by the supporting party.

4. The length of the marriage.

5. The needs of each party

6. The age and health of each party.

7. Any documented evidence of domestic violence

8. The immediate tax consequences to each party.

9. And any other factors the court deems just and proper.

The Orange County Family Law Offices of Yanez & Associates can help you file, respond or modify support orders.

Please feel free to call 714-971-8000 anytime. Our attorneys are on call 24/7.

OC Divorce Lawyers offer Military Service Men & Women Legal service discounts
Divorce and social media nightmare