Can I afford an Attorney?

Need a divorce lawyer?
Divorce process and how spousal support - alimony is determined

Many of us are affected in this bad economy. To make things worse, certain unforeseen expenses develop, such as the need to hire an Attorney.

Retaining an attorney can be very expensive, unless you are fortunate to find an attorney that will take your case pro bono (done for the public good without compensation/free).

Many that need to hire an Attorney will do anything to raise the funds needed, including charging the services on their credit cards or even borrowing money from friends and relatives.

There are ways of keeping costs down.

For instance, in a divorce case, a couple that is able to agree on a family matter such as, child support, child custody, visitation with minimal discussion, will probably be able to settle out of court, saving them Court and Attorney Fees.

Another way to minimize the pressure of Attorneys Fees is a payment plan. Depending on the Attorney, he or she may be willing to work with the Client and set up a payment plan, as long as the client keeps up with the payment schedule.

If you are considering hiring an Attorney, but are not sure if you can afford one, contact and set up an appointment with our divorce lawyers, so they may review your case. Call at (714) 665-6600 to schedule your free 1-hour in office consultation with a divorce lawyer

Need a divorce lawyer?
Divorce process and how spousal support - alimony is determined