Dissolving a Domestic Partnership in California

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Domestic Partnership laws in California provide same sex couples with rights and duties such as those of married couples.
A Domestic Partnership maybe terminated thru the Secretary of State if the partnership meets all 13 requirements listed on the Secretary of State brochure. If you meet the requirements both parties must sign the Notice of Termination of Domestic Partnership before a notary public. The notice is then sent to the Secretary of State at P.O. Box 942877, Sacramento, CA 94277-0001. If after a six month waiting period neither party submits a cancellation of notice your termination will become final and take effect.

If you do not meet all 13 requirements, then you may terminate your domestic partnership by filing a packet in the Superior Court that handles dissolutions in your county. The first step is to complete the dissolution of domestic partnership petition, along with a Summons form.

For assistance with a dissolution of Domestic Partnership from a Certified Family Law Specialist call today for a free consultation 714-971-8000

Grandparents Rights in California
What is Domestic Violence and How can I be Safe?