Elder Abuse Act of 2011

How to Help Children Cope with Divorce?
Benefits of the Elder Abuse Act

The Elder Abuse Act of 2011, also known as bill number S.462 is a bill that will not only protect the elderly but will help to preserve goodness in society. Those being affected by elder abuse occurring around the world could potentially be someone’s grandma, mother, sister, aunt or wife. It is important that social workers, government officials, and voters worldwide know what the importance of passing bill number S.462 is.

Elder Abuse Act of 2011
Elder Abuse Act of 2011

More specifically, this bill is designed to, “better protect, serve, and advance the rights of victims of elder abuse and exploitation by establishing a program to encourage States and other qualified entities to create jobs designed to hold offenders accountable, enhance the capacity of the justice system to investigate, pursue, and prosecute elder abuse cases, identify existing resources to leverage to the extent possible, and assure data collection, research, and evaluation to promote the efficacy and efficiency of the activities described in this act (Govtrack, 2011).”

Funding of elder abuse programs and agencies will also help lessen the case load of elder abuse instances. The funding will go to providing more jobs to assist the enormous quantity of reported cases. Furthermore, more funding will also allow for additional programs to be provided to elders in various cities, counties, and states.

In order to protect elders in our community, it is important to report instances of elder abuse if and when they are witnessed. In addition, it is important that the elder population know what resources are available to them.

Therefore, consulting with a legal professional regarding elder law is beneficial to educating families on what elder abuse can consist of. If you, or someone you know is searching for assistance, or simply more information regarding elder law, please contact Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000. Yanez & Associates offers a free initial consultation! Call today to schedule an appointment.

How to Help Children Cope with Divorce?
Benefits of the Elder Abuse Act