What Are Some Signs of Elder Abuse?

Where Does Elder Abuse Occur?
No-fault Divorces

It is important to have the ability to identify elder abuse in case you witness this abuse being done to someone you love, or even a stranger. If you witness elder abuse it is important to report the abuse so that the individual can receive help and support.

The different types of Elder Abuse are  emotional, physical, sexual, neglect, abandonment, exploitation, self-neglect and more. It is important to check in on the elderly population to ensure that they are receiving the proper care.

Furthermore,  it is important to understand and be able to identify what warning signs may be present with elder abuse.  If you notice that suddenly the elderly individual you have been around has a sudden change of finances, this may be something to question. Additionally, if you notice any sort of bruising, scratches, marks, or wounds this also indicates some red flags. Withdrawal or any signs of neglect must also be reported immediately.

For further information regarding elder abuse and more please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for you free initial consultation!

Where Does Elder Abuse Occur?
No-fault Divorces