Where Does Elder Abuse Occur?

Mediators Role
What Are Some Signs of Elder Abuse?

Elder abuse can occur anywhere, in your home, in a friends home, a relatives home, a strangers home, or in a nursing home. Elder abuse is not limited to the previously mentioned locations, it can occur anywhere. Commonly, elder abuse occurs in nursing homes, but it is not limited to the assisted living facilities. It is important to visit the seniors living in these homes to ensure that the facility is maintaining proper living standards.

It is important to know what to do when and if you, or someone you know are a victim of elder abuse. Elder abuse can range from physical, mental, sexual, and financial abuse. Various forms of neglect are also considered abuse. If you are unsure if it is abuse that you are witnessing, it is best to report it and a thorough investigation can be conducted to ensure the elderly individual is receiving proper care.

For further information regarding elder law and elder abuse please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

Mediators Role
What Are Some Signs of Elder Abuse?