Mediation for Resolving Conflict

Which Type of Divorce Should I Obtain?
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It is important that you understand what mediation is before entering into it. Mediation is not somewhere you will go to have a decision made for you or the other party. The mediator will assist in the flow of dialogue between both parties. The goal of mediation is to resolve any conflicts you may have amicably.

Mediation can be attended by the two parties and their mediator. On the other hand, if attorney’s are involved they will also be present at the mediation session. Anything discussed in a mediation session is confidential.

The mediator will ensure that their is order and a flow of conversation on both sides. In addition, the mediator will ensure that both parties are alloted equal and sufficient amounts of time to discuss all issues involved. The mediator is not to sway the parties into agreeing on something, they are simply there to facilitate discussion.

In the beginning of the mediation session the mediator will discuss the ground rules for the session. It is pertinent that both parties abide by the rules set forth by the mediator to ensure a successful mediation session. It is necessary for both parties to be respectful of one another and not speak while the other party is speaking and to refrain from innapropriate name calling.

For further information regarding mediation please call Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

Which Type of Divorce Should I Obtain?
How Do I Help My Child Deal With Divorce?