Steps to take before reporting elder abuse

What Is Considered Elder Abuse?
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Here are some steps to take before reporting elder abuse. First in order to report elder abuse  you must first be able to recognize the signs of abuse. Recognizing signs of abuse can be difficult at times, especially if the elderly individual does not speak out about the abuse occurring.

Steps to take before reporting elder abuse
Steps to take before reporting elder abuse

First, become knowledgeable regarding signs of abuse. Some of the signs of abuse are that they mention abuse from time to time, signs of depression, or any unusual marks such as bruises, scrapes or scratches. If you witness some of these signs it does not mean that the caregivers are abusing the elderly person but it is definitely cause for concern.

Furthermore, if you witness the elderly individual seeming afraid of their caregivers or having an excessive amount of anxiety while that person is around, it is important to conduct further investigation into this matter.

Additionally, if the elderly individual confides in you it is helpful to ask them if they are experiencing any forms of abuse while in the care of the caregivers.  Elder abuse can be reported to the police or agencies dedicated to protecting the aging population.

For further information regarding elder law please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

What Is Considered Elder Abuse?
How do I know if I need a divorce attorney?