Many are unaware of the types of elder abuse that can occur. It is important for everyone to familiarize themselves with what elder abuse looks like. If everyone is able to identify elder abuse they will be able to report it as soon as it is witnessed.
Elder abuse can occur in any environment, racial group, ethnic group, or country. Elder abuse typically occurs when their is a vulnerable senior in the care of someone else. Often the aging population due to health issues or memory loss need to be placed with someone for care. The elderly individual either resides with a family member, has someone reside with them in their own home, or is living in a nursing facility. Despite the relationship with the elderly individual at times others will take advantage of the seniors vulnerable nature.
It is important to look out for those who may be in a vulnerable state. Elder abuse can occur in physical form, emotional form, or financially. The senior may have no one to talk to and express their concerns regarding abuse. It is important to show and explain to the elderly population what their resources for protection are.
Sometimes the seniors have entrusted their finances to family members or another “trusted” individual due to memory loss. At times their is no one to watch over these seniors to ensure their money is being properly spent. We must be aware of those in these situations and check on the senior to ensure their money is being handled properly.
For further information regarding elder law and elder abuse please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation.