Child Support Determination in CA

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Figuring out child support payments and visitation schedules are often a stressful element in the divorce process. Both parents need to reach a fair and appropriate agreement in regards to support payments and visitation dates and times.

In addition to figuring out support, custody and visitation  all determinations must be in the childs best interest. Each state has a set of different laws when it comes to divorce and family law matters. When determining child support the court will look at the income of both parties, ages of the children, as well as quantity of children involved.

In order to create more uniform decisions each state has guidelines set when determining child support. With a guideline it is easier to determine a range in which the payments should fall in. Categories which are considered when determining support are education expenses, cost of after school care, babysitting, as well as the amount of money required for daily expenses. For further clarification regarding child support laws in California you should consult a family law attorney in your area.

For further information regarding child support determination and family law please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

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