Preventing Elder Abuse Help and Information

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How do I Advocate for the Elderly Population?

Preventing Elder Abuse Help often goes under the radar. This topic is not often discussed with the public. Seniors often fear reporting elder abuse that they encounter. Due to low awareness of elder abuse society often has trouble identifying elder abuse when and if it is witnessed. It is important to check in with seniors as often as possible. Check with them to ensure they are not encountering any form of elder abuse. Ask them if they are being fed enough and are having their care needs addressed. Find out if they are being given the proper medical attention.

Preventing Elder Abuse Help
Preventing Elder Abuse Help

Seniors often do not have much communication with the outside world. Lack of communication at times is due to seniors not utilizing current technology. Many do not access the internet on a daily basis. In addition, some seniors do not own or use cellular devices. Checking in on the living facilities your senior citizen friend, family member, or acquaintance is residing in is necessary. While checking in on the living environment ensure that the home is clean and that the caregivers are attentive to their patients needs.

If you or someone you know has witnessed elder abuse it is important to report it right away. Call Adult Protective Services to report the abuse that you have witnessed. If you report the abuse they can investigate into the matter further to ensure the elderly individual is safe and  protected.

For further information regarding elder law please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

Steps to Divorcing in California
How do I Advocate for the Elderly Population?