What can a Certified Family Law Specialist do for you?

How do I Advocate for the Elderly Population?
Child Support Determination in CA

Why does the State Bar Certify Legal Specialist?

• To assist the public attain attorneys who have exhibited expertise in specialized fields of law
• To foster the preservation and development of attorney competency in specialized fields of law

If you had a medical issue that was affecting your brain/spinal cord, would it not make sense to seek advise from a neurologist? (specialist physician who treats patients suffering from neurological disease). Hence, Family Law is complicated and continuously changing – a Certified Specialist stays up-to-date with the law.

What Does it Denote When an Attorney is a “Certified Specialist”?

A certified specialist is beyond than just an attorney who specializes in a specific area of law. In California an attorney who is certified by the State Bar as a Family Law specialist must have:

• Taken and passed a written examination in Family Law
• Proven a high level of skill in Family Law
• Completed ongoing education obligations
• Been positively evaluated by other attorneys and judges acquainted with her or his work

What Can a Certified Family Law Specialist Do for You?

• Make certain marital settlement agreements are properly prepared;
• Make certain pre-nuptial agreements are properly prepared;
• Make certain post-nuptial agreements are properly prepared;
• Identify tax matters which may influence the distribution of marital property and the payment of child, spousal or family support;
• Help you successfully deal with difficult legal issues including community property laws;
• Negotiate or mediate the problematic and emotional matters relating to legal separation, divorce and child custody;
• Safeguard clients who need restraining orders due to domestic violence;
• Handle issues concerning, modifications of child custody, spousal support or child support;
• Recommend a collaborative process empowering clients to resolve their matters without court involvement.

A California Family Law Certified Specialist knows the overall embodiment and can deliberate various tactics to help you decide the best one for your needs.

Each attorney sets his or her or own fees based upon the difficulty of each specific case – “Certified Specialist” does not essentially mean it will cost you more in fees.

In What Other Fields of Law Are Attorneys Certified by the State Bar?

• Appellate Law
• Admiralty and Maritime Law
• Bankruptcy Law
• Criminal Law
• Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law
• Franchise and Distribution Law
• Immigration and Nationality Law
• Legal Malpractice Law
• Taxation Law
• Workers’ Compensation Law

The more difficult your legal situation, the more reason to think about hiring an attorney who specializes in Family Law and who is steadfast through certification to maintaining his or her expertise through repeated practice and continuing education.

How Do I Find a Family Law Certified Specialist?

• For an alphabetical list by county of certified Family Law specialists, contact:

The State Bar of California Department of Legal Specialization
180 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-1617

Phone: (415) 538-2120
Fax: (415) 538-2180

Email: legalspec@calbar.ca.gov
Or visit our Website at www.californiaspecialist.org

How do I Advocate for the Elderly Population?
Child Support Determination in CA