How to Keep Finances in Order Prior to and Post Divorce

What is the Mediators Role in a Divorce
When is it the Right Time to Divorce?

Finances can be difficult to manage when a marriage ends. Often one becomes accustomed to utilizing funds from both parties. With a dual income you may have used a higher budget or purchased extra things when needed. During a divorce it is important to distinguish your personal funds from prior joint funds. If you are able to write down, or document what your expenses are and how much money you are bringing in individually.

If you are struggling to get your finances in order. You may need to see an accountant who can assist you in managing finances. Furthermore, it is important to make a list of your daily necessities and the necessities of your children. Then you an also incorporate monthly outings and activities that you would like to engage in. It is also important to put some money to the side in case of emergencies.

Divorce may also be costly so it is even more crucial to get your finances in line. Budgeting will help with the transition from two incomes to just one income. If you and your ex are able to reach an amicable agreement the attorneys fees will be lower. In contrast, if you and your ex are arguing and disagreeing regarding most aspect of the case chances are the court proceeding will take more time. Furthermore, for a longer drawn out court proceeding the attorneys fees will be higher.

Additionally, if there are any debts that need to be addressed you may want to handle those matters as well.

Yanez & Associates is able to assist you with your family law needs. Please call today to speak with a family law specialist! If you are looking for a divorce lawyer in the Orange County area you have come to the right place! We look forward to hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to contact our firm for further details.

What is the Mediators Role in a Divorce
When is it the Right Time to Divorce?