Elder Abuse Indicators

Mediating a Divorce
Elder Abuse Neglect

Elder Abuse indicators can be the amount of the stress that the caretaker is under. Furthermore, if the caretaker has any history of abuse in their family this could be a potential indicator as to whether they may partake in elder abuse. Elder abuse can consist of physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse and any form of neglect. Neglect meaning that the basic care needs of the elderly individual is not being met. It is important to keep up with the health care and dental care needs of the senior. Seniors are vulnerable and if they are unable to take care of themselves it is important that the caretaker is attentive to their needs.

If you are unsure if these conditions exist at the nursing facility it is important to conduct some research. Before placing the elderly individual in the care of another it is important to conduct some background checks into the quality of care the care facility can provide. Monitoring the facility and constantly talking with the senior to see if they have any needs that are not being met is crucial.

The law firm of Yanez & Associates offers elder law services for the Orange County area. For further clarification on elder abuse laws it is best to converse with an elder law professional.

Mediating a Divorce
Elder Abuse Neglect