What is the Mediators Role in a Divorce

Quick tips on Divorcing in California
How to Keep Finances in Order Prior to and Post Divorce

In a divorce, the mediators role is to help the parties reach an amicable agreement.  The mediator will not offer suggestions on how the parties need to resolve their conflict. It is important to understand that the mediator is their to help the flow of dialogue between the two parties. For the session to be succesful the mediator must be a neutral third party.

During the session the mediator employs effective communication strategies and conflict resolution tools to assist the parties. The mediator will be there to answer any questions and guide the parties along throughout the process. It is important that if you are unsure at any time during the mediation sessions that you clarify with the mediator.

Mediators will establish the ground rules in the beginning session to try and reduce any stress or confusion felt by the parties. The mediation session will allow for both parties to voice their issues and concerns. The goal is for the parties to reach a fair and amicable agreement by the end of the session. Resolution will not always occur during the session but it is a less costly method of conflict resolution.

Yanez & Associates offers a free initial consultation to discuss mediation or family law issues. Call 714-971-8000 to schedule a consultation with an attorney at the firm.

Quick tips on Divorcing in California
How to Keep Finances in Order Prior to and Post Divorce