Reporting Elder Abuse in Orange County

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Elder abuse cases have been on the rise. The elder abuse case loads have been increasing despite many cases of elder abuse that go unreported. Many seniors do not know where to go to report the abuse. In addition, some seniors fear retaliation from their caregivers or family members and therefore remain silent. Many individuals are not educated regarding elder abuse, which makes it difficult for them to identify and report abuse that is occurring within the senior community.

Elder abuse is often difficult to detect if you do not check in with the elderly individual. Moreover, if the senior is not telling anyone they are experiencing abuse it is difficult to get them the assistance they need. Therefore, it is important to check in with the elderly individual periodically. When checking in on the elderly individual you can observe and take note of the conditions you observe at the care giving facility.

Elder abuse can be physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and more

Reporting elder abuse in Orange County
Reporting elder abuse in Orange County

Elder abuse is extremely dangerous to the health of the senior. Seniors are in a vulnerable state due to their old age or current illnesses they are battling. It is important that if you suspect elder abuse of any kind, that you report it immediately.

Adult protective services can be contacted with any elder abuse claims. The role of adult protective services is to investigate the matter thoroughly and to help keep the elderly individual safe.

Finding an elder law attorney can be made simple by searching online. While conducting your search online simply typing in the words elder law attorney in Orange County can help you identify a few in your area. For further information regarding elder abuse and elder law in Orange County please contact Yanez & Associates. Please call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation. We look forward to assisting you with your matter!

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