Child custody 730 evaluation for highly contested child custody cases where the parties make serious allegations involving issues of domestic violence, sexual abuse, substance abuse, move away or mental instability, the court may need the assistance of a qualified professional which is court appointed to serve as the court’s expert. ...
How to make sure your credit survives a divorce
A separation, believe it or not, doesn't cancel out your ownership of debt from a loan taken out during the marriage. If you are contemplating a divorce, or believe one is impending, then these few steps may just save your credit. 1. If possible, close any joint accounts you and...
How to keep your children without going to court
Keeping your children without Going to Court An often unfortunate feature of divorces is a drawn out and expensive child custody dispute. This blog is about how you can avoid going to court while at the same time maintaining your right to have a relationship with the children. Firstly, it...