One of the most difficult things to deal with post-divorce has to be the changed dynamic in seeing your children. Even if the time spent with your children is evenly split between you and your ex-partner, this will seem far from fair to you. Many miscommunications can occur between you...
Spousal support modification
If you become aware that your former spouse has been living with someone (boyfriend/girlfriend) for a long period of time that may be a change in circumstance that can trigger a review of the ordered spousal support payments in your divorce/dissolution/ domestic partnership. Call an experienced family law attorney to...
What Does Reasonable Visitation Really Mean?
Ever wonder what it really means when a Judge awards a party Reasonable Visitation of the children? This type of order, is often accompanied by one parent being granted sole physical and legal custody while the other parent is given “reasonable visitation”. The parent with reasonable visitation often feels that...