Burbank Family Law Department Closed

Can I claim a Hardship Deduction or credit towards my child support?
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The Burbank Family Law Department, Department C in the Los Angeles Superior Court has closed. All new filings for the North Central District that would have been filed in Burbank will now be filed in either Pasadena known as the North-East District, located at 300 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA. 91340, or the Van Nuys Courthouse known as the Northwest District, located at 6230 Sylmar Avenue, Van Nuys, 91401.

How will you determine where to file? Your filing location is determined by your zip code. Please refer to the ‘Filing Court Locator’ found on the Los Angeles Superior Court’s website, www.lasuperiorcourt.org, under the ‘About the Court’ and ‘Locations’ tabs. Family law cases filed prior to April 2, 2012, in the Burbank Courthouse will be heard at the Pasadena Courthouse regardless of zip code.

As of April 2, 2012, all hearings currently scheduled in Department NC-C at the Burbank Courthouse will be heard on the same date and time at the Pasadena Courthouse. Notice will be given.

For additional information, please call (626) 356-5689.  If you need to file for divorce call a Certified Family Law Legal Specialist for further assistance at 714-971-8000.

Can I claim a Hardship Deduction or credit towards my child support?
Need a divorce lawyer?