When is a Guardian ad Litem Necessary in an Orange County Family Law case?

Guardian ad Litem FAQ: When is a Guardian ad Litem Necessary in my Orange County Family Law case? What is a Guardian ad Litem in my California Family Law Case? If you have witnessed a family law case in California that involved children, you may have heard of a guardian...

Is minor’s counsel necessary in a custody case in Orange County CA

Minor's Counsel FAQ: Explain, is minor's counsel necessary in a custody case in Orange County California? Is minor's counsel necessary in a custody case in Orange County CA - What Should I Know about Minor’s Counsel in California? In California, the law allows the judge to consider a child’s opinion in...

I Commingled My Separate Property in Orange County California

Property Division FAQ: I commingled my separate property by adding my spouse to the deed in OC California, now what happens? I Commingled My Separate Property in California. How is This Handled in Divorce? California is a community property state, which means that property and debts that are considered to be...