How Long Does a Divorce Take in Orange County California?

FAQ: How Long Does a Divorce Take in Orange County? Divorces in California can vary in length. Various parts of your divorce have varying time limits either before the parties qualify to file, or before the divorce can be approved or finalized. To an extent, the length of time it...

Best ways to get custody as a father in Orange County CA

The Best Ways to Get Custody as a Father in Orange County, California What are the best ways to get custody as a father in Orange County CA: Historically, it has been thought that when parents get a divorce, the mother is more likely to get custody of the children,...

How to Find the Best Move Away and relocation attorneys in Orange County

Finding a Great Move Away or Relocation Custody Attorney in Orange County How to Find the Best Move Away and relocation attorneys in Orange County: When two parents share custody of a child or when one parent has custody and the other parent has visitation rights with the child, issues...