Restraining Orders

Restraining Order Attorneys in Orange County Guide California Restraining Orders In California, a restraining order, also known as a protective order, is one type of court order that is intended to protect a person from certain actions by another person. These actions include physical abuse, sexual abuse, threats, stalking, or...

Child Custody Attorney In Orange County CA

Child Custody Attorneys in Orange County Guide Child Custody in California Child Custody Attorneys in Orange County: Child custody in California refers to the rights and responsibilities of parents when it comes to caring for their children. Custody can deal with where a child lives as well as who is...

How Do I Modify a Child Support Order in Orange County California?

How do I modify my child's support in Orange County California? California Child Support Basics How Do I Modify a Child Support Order in Orange County? When a child support order is created in California, it remains valid and can be enforced until the child turns 18 or graduates high...