What are some Common Terms I Should Learn for my Child Custody Case in Orange County, California? When you get into a child custody case in Southern California, you will likely run into a lot of unfamiliar terms. While a great attorney will make sure that you understand what all...
What if Child’s Best Interest does Not Coincide with Parents Desire
What if the Child’s Best Interest does Not Coincide with the Parents Desire in Child Custody in Orange County California? If the Child’s Best Interest does Not Coincide with Parents Desire? In California, the child’s best interests are always the most important factor in determining a child custody and visitation...
Factors Considered for Custody and Visitation in OC CA
What Factors are Considered for Child Custody and Visitation in California? Factors Considered for Custody and Visitation in OC CA. If you and your spouse cannot agree on a custody and visitation schedule on your own or through child custody mediation, the court can create a child custody order for...