Steps to Get Custody of my Children in OC California

What Steps do I Need to Take to Get Custody of my Children in California? Steps to Get Custody of my Children in OC California. In order to get custody of your children in California, you’ll need to have a child custody order put into place. This can be done...

Can Custody be modified after CA divorce is finalized?

Can Custody of Our Child be Modified After the Divorce is Finalized in OC California? Can Custody be modified after CA divorce is finalized? Under certain circumstances, a child custody and visitation order can be modified after a divorce is finalized in California. The Court will modify a child custody...

How to prepare for first meeting with divorce lawyer

How to Prepare for First Meeting with Divorce Lawyer in Orange County, CA Your first meeting with a divorce attorney in California is usually an initial consultation, which allows you and your attorney to get to know one another, discuss your case and the expectations you both have, and discuss...