Will the age of the child play a role in how the judge determines custody in Orange County? How will the Age of a Child Play a Role in my Custody Agreement in Orange County?: The age of a child may play a role in your custody agreement, whether it...
Help with Parent Relocations and Move-Aways in Orange County
Help with Parent Relocations and Move-Aways in Orange County Over 20 percent of minor children in the United States live with just one parent. In many of these cases, the children’s other parent may have partial custody or visitation rights. But what happens when the custodial parent wants to relocate...
Child Visitation During Divorce
When you or your spouse decide to divorce, visitation must be worked out between you and your ex. Child visitation during divorce is a huge concern. If you are unable to work out a temporary visitation schedule while the divorce process is in progress, you may need a temporary visitation schedule to...