When involved in a child custody matter if you would like things to run smoothly their are a few things to keep in mind. First, always make sure to obey all court orders. Second, if possible avoid self help when handling family law matters. Third, avoid making false statements regarding...
The Different Types of Child Custody
There are four main factors attached to child custody if the parents live in separate homes. These factors are physical custody, legal custody, sole custody, and joint custody. Physical Custody gives a parent the right to have the children live with them. This type of custody deals with the living...
Is Parental Alienation a Psychological Disorder?
How does Custody of Children affect the parents? The American Psychological Association has recently been grappling with the issue over whether to classify parental alienation as a mental disorder. Parental alienation occurs when one parent refuses to allow the other parent to see or have an emotional connection with the...