Community Property Division FAQ: I have high assets in Orange County California; Is My Spouse Entitled to 50 Percent of My Assets since we live in a community state? Is My Spouse Entitled to 50 Percent of My Assets in a Divorce in Orange County? The process of dividing property...
How You Could End Up With Your Ex’s Debt
Many people are unaware of the fact that even after divorce, they can end up being responsible for their ex’s debt. Most couples join accounts when getting married. There may be no debt in the joint account when you divorce, but even after getting a divorce, if you don’t take...
Date(s) of Separation
Believe it or not, couples undergoing divorce sometimes disagree over their date of separation. Now, you may be asking 1) how can people not know the date they were separated, and 2) why does the date of separation even matter? The answer to the first question is that a date...