F.A.C.E.S. stands for Family Assessment, Counseling & Education Services. Founded in 1988, this organization, among other practices, provides parents with a safe place to take parenting classes which are accepted by judges in Orange County. Many times, the court will order a party to enroll in a parenting class by...
What Are The Requirements For Filing A Petition For Dissolution in California?
In order to file a Petition for dissolution in California, one of the parties must live in California for a minimum of 6 months. In order to file in a particular county, one of the parties must reside in that county for a minimum of 3 months. These requirements are...
What does a “no fault” divorce mean?
California is considered to be a “no fault” state. This means that the court does not look to place blame on either party for the breakup of the marriage. In practical terms, it means that infidelity has little relevance to a dissolution case. The main reason it becomes an issue...