A separation, believe it or not, doesn't cancel out your ownership of debt from a loan taken out during the marriage. If you are contemplating a divorce, or believe one is impending, then these few steps may just save your credit. 1. If possible, close any joint accounts you and...
Taking out the Anger from a Divorce
1. Let yourself write about your problems and keep on writing. Seeing your thoughts become real words can be therapeutic, healing, and organizing for your mind. 2. Shout. Loudly. In a remote place. 3. Talk with Others about it. Hiding anger can be just as dangerous as simply lashing out....
Dating before the divorce is finalized
A survey of 2,000 recently divorced people indicated that approximately 50 percent of divorced men and 20 percent of divorced women were ready to remarry. This encourages those people who have been discouraged by divorce that finding love still remains a possibility. However attempting to find love before your divorce...