Every nine seconds, a woman is assaulted or battered in the U.S., making domestic violence the leading cause of injury to women- more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. However, according to reports from 10 countries, 55-95 percent of women who have been physically abused by their partners had...
Why clients retain the Orange County divorce and domestic violence firm of Yanez & Associates!
Has filing for Divorce crossed your Mind? The topic of divorce is a grueling topic because of all the changes that are about to take place should your marriage be dissolved. The unknown can be frightening to both the parties and to the minor children of the marriage. Once the...
What is Domestic Violence and How can I be Safe?
Domestic Violence is when a person is being hurt or is in fear of abuse by a person with whom they are in/ or were in an intimate dating relationship such as a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or domestic partner. If you are in danger call police or tell someone. Tell...