Automatic Restraining Order FAQ: What is an Automatic Temporary Restraining Order (ATRO) and how does it work? What is an Automatic Temporary Restraining Order and How Does It Work in California? In California, ATRO stands for Automatic Temporary Restraining Order. An ATRO is not the same as a protective order,...
My OC Spouse Falsely Accused me of Child Abuse; Do I need an Attorney for my Defense?
How to Handle False Allegations of Child Abuse in Orange County, California How to Handle False Allegations of Child Abuse in OC CA - Unfortunately, falsely being accused of child abuse is not uncommon when it comes to divorce and child custody. Making an allegation is simple, especially when the...
Restraining Orders and Protective Orders in Orange County
Restraining Orders and Protective Orders in Orange County California A restraining order, also known as a protective order, can be issued in California to protect one person from physical or sexual abuse, threats, stalking, or harassment. It may be issued to prevent domestic violence, or it may be issued to...