It is vital to know that when it comes to domestic abuse there are no stereotypes or easy ways of identifying which people may be abusive. Those who commit domestic abuse can vary in age, intelligence, height, gender, and economic status. There are different types of abuse either physical or...
Garden Grove Woman Cuts off Husbands Penis
A Garden Grove woman who had a divorce pending on July 11th decided, according to authorities to give her husband a substance to make him sleepy so that she could cut off his penis. According to authorities the woman states, "he deserved it". When filing for a Divorce it may...
Abuse & Neglect: Information for Parents
Why was my child taken away? The police officer or social worker decided your child needed to be in temporary foster care to be safe. This can be because your child: -Wasn't well taken care of or watched over; -Was neglected, abused, or molested; or -Was left with someone who...