Every nine seconds, a woman is assaulted or battered in the U.S, making domestic violence the leading cause of injury to women- more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. However, according to reports from 10 countries, 55-95 percent of women who have been physically abused by their partners had...
How Does Unemployment and the Ecomomy Affect Marriage?
According to an NPR-Kaiser Family Foundation survey, not surprisingly, an increase in the unemployment rate has a negative affect on relationships. Over one fifth of those unemployed have reported that their unemployment has affected their intimate relationship for the worse. Curiously, as unemployment increases, divorces decrease. An explanation for this...
What Constitutes Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence can constitute various things such as: 1) Throwing any kind of object at you. 2) If any kind of physical force is used; such as punching, kicking, choking, scratching, and anything else physical that could injure them. 3) If there have been any threats or use of weapons...