If you need help with a restraining order, either to request one or to resond to one, it is a good idea to get the aid of a lawyer, though it's not required. A lawyer can make the court process much easier because both parties will need to be an...
Effects of a Restraining Order
Restraining orders will forbid a person from having any kind of contact with you, your family, children or anyone you live with. A restrained person will also not be allowed to go anywhere near your place of work, your home or other places and areas you frequent often. The restraining...
Elder Abuse: Can you get a Restraining Order?
If you an elder/dependent adult or you know of one who is being abused, you can request a restraining order. To qualify, the elder or dependent adult must be 65 years or older or a dependent adult and you must have been: -Financially abused, -Physically abused, -Emotionally abused, -Psychologically abused,...