How Can I Advocate for the Elderly?

If you are interested in advocating for the elderly in your community it is important to know how to get involved. In order to get involved you must know where, how, and when is best to become involved in the advocacy of senior citizens.  Here are some options: First, call...

Elder Abuse Causes

Elder Abuse causes can vary from person to person. For instance, some may commit elder abuse because they are aware of the vulnerable state of the senior and are simply using them for personal gain.  Often seniors are vulnerable due to their physical or mental state. More specifically, the aging...

Where Does Elder Abuse Occur?

Elder abuse can occur anywhere, in your home, in a friends home, a relatives home, a strangers home, or in a nursing home. Elder abuse is not limited to the previously mentioned locations, it can occur anywhere. Commonly, elder abuse occurs in nursing homes, but it is not limited to...