If you are searching for Family Law information you will want to research online. You may want to visit the Orange County court website. The website for general information in Orange County is www.occourts.org. On the website you can find family law related cases information. The way to search for...
What Happens to Support Payments in Bankruptcy?
According to "The Fragile Middle Class: Americans in Debt," unemployment, medical bills, and divorce cause 40% of individual bankruptcies. How a divorce will affect an individual who files for bankruptcy depends on the settlement reached with regard to spousal and child support. If a person who owes you child support...
What issues are involved with Family Law?
Family law pertains to various issues. Issues that pertain to family law are divorce matters such as filing for divorce, custody, visitation, child support, spousal support, and any domestic violence issues. If you need assistance with any of these issues and are seeking legal advice and support you will want...